Systems Thinking + Design Research
As an emerging core to the design field, systems thinking is a holistic way to investigate factors and interactions that could contribute to a possible outcome. This style of problem analysis considers internal factors, external factors, and potential externalities.

In-depth explanations and walkthroughs available at request.
fall.2021 - ongoing
+Thinking Systems
+Mapping User
+Stakeholder Identification
Wicked Problem Analysis: Anti-Black Racism in Pittsburgh
For a semester-long project, our team analyzed the wicked and unsolvable problem of anti-black racism. We focused specifically on the anti-black racism present in Pittsburgh, PA, in a S.T.E.A.M. and stakeholder map.

TEAM: Jayden Liu, Jess Jones, Olivia Luk

Featured in the 2021 RSD10 Symposium
Increasing the Adoption of Slow Fashion Practices
As an extended research project, our team analyzed the outlook and adoption of sustainable fashion among Pittsburgh college students. Our findings include two micro-scale and one macro-scale intervention concepts.

TEAM: Ana Baskinger, Riya Bobde, Olivia Luk
The Community of the Mattress Factory Museum
To hone our understanding of stakeholder mapping within an organization, our team analyzed the renowned Mattress Factory museum in Pittsburgh.

TEAM: John Henley, Gia Marino, Julia LePoer
Technology Consumption and Sustainability
As an formal research project, our team looked into the decisions CMU students make regarding their technology consumption and sustainability. This project was conducted not as to present conclusions, but to spur future research.

TEAM: Georgia Miller, Julia LePoer